For Example, 59 = 5-9, the absolute difference is 4 so it belongs to Difference set 4
For Example, 89 = 8-9, the absolute difference is 1 so it belongs to Difference set 1
Difference is also called Farak
For Example, 59 = 5-9, the absolute difference is 4 so it belongs to Difference set 4
For Example, 89 = 8-9, the absolute difference is 1 so it belongs to Difference set 1
00, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99
12, 23, 32, 34, 43, 45, 54, 56, 65, 67, 76, 78, 87, 89, 98, 09, 90
13, 24, 35, 46, 57, 68, 79, 80, 08
14, 25, 36, 47, 58, 69, 70, 07
15, 26, 37, 48, 59, 60, 06
16, 27, 38, 49, 50, 05
17, 28, 39, 40, 04
18, 29, 30, 03
19, 20, 02
10, 01